Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Moving average boxcar

Sebuah catatan dari salah satu mitra kami: Terkadang, pekerjaan rumah fisika ternyata sulit dilakukan. Dalam kasus seperti itu, Anda dapat menemukan bantuan dengan tugas rumah Anda dengan pekerjaan rumah sakit fisika di Meja Kerja Rumah Tangga. Saya telah mengajar mata kuliah di Introductory Physics di Antelope Valley College di Lancaster, CA dan Cleveland Chiropractic College di Hollywood, CA. Inilah pertanyaan studi yang saya berikan kepada murid-murid saya dan merupakan pelengkap pertanyaan di buku teks. Jangan ragu untuk menggunakannya dengan cara apa pun yang Anda inginkan. Saya akan memperbarui area ini seiring waktu mengizinkan. Jawabannya akan menyusul beberapa minggu setelah pertanyaan diposkan. Satu catatan: Karena keterbatasan penerbitan web, kami menggunakan quotEquot untuk menunjukkan angka yang dikalikan dengan kekuatan sepuluh yang ditentukan. Misalnya, 3.5 E-3 berarti 3,5 kali sepuluh untuk -3 daya. Fisika 1 --- Bab 1 Lembar Studi 1) Siput dapat melakukan perjalanan dengan kecepatan 2,3 inci per menit. Pada tingkat yang sama, berapa mil yang akan ditempuh dalam satu tahun 2) Convert 3.675 E5 Mg ke ng. 3) Blok persegi empat Berilium diukur dan lebar 2,48 cm, panjang 5,77 cm, dan tinggi 1,8 cm. Berapakah volumenya di meter kubik 4) Segitiga siku-siku memiliki sudut 68deg. Sisi yang berdekatan dengan sudut itu berukuran 16 meter. Berapakah luas segitiga 5) Berapa banyak angka signifikan yang harus dimiliki a) 34,6 b) .000045050 c) 60000 d) 3.400 E-8 e) 9200006 6) Konversikan bilangan desimal ini ke notasi ilmiah: a) 6190000 b ) .00000000777 c) 12 d) .9 e) 30000000 7) Mengkonversi angka notaris ilmiah ini ke angka desimal: a) 4.508 E-5 b) 6,88 E11 c) 3,81 E-1 d) 4 E2 8) Berikan x dan y Koordinat untuk titik-titik berikut yang diberikan dalam koordinat polar: a) (54. 30deg) b) (600. 45deg) c) (87.5 18deg) 9) Berikan r dan theta untuk titik-titik berikut yang diberikan dalam koordinat persegi panjang: 10) Planet X Diketahui memiliki massa 2,85 E24 kg. Dengan asumsi itu adalah bentuk bola yang sempurna, dan diameternya adalah 5,59 E6 m, hitung densitasnya. 11) Massa matahari adalah 2 E30 kg, dan massa atom Hidrogen, yang terutama terdiri dari matahari, adalah 1,67 E-27 kg. Berapa banyak atom hidrogen di bawah sinar matahari 12) Fungsi dasar karburator mobil adalah mengionisasi bensin dan mencampurnya dengan udara untuk meningkatkan pembakaran cepat. Asumsikan bahwa 50 cm kubik bensin dikelompokkan ke dalam partikel bola N, masing-masing dengan radius 2,0 E-5 m. Berapakah luas permukaan total tetesan bola N ini 13) Kecepatan cahaya adalah 3,00 E8 ms. Jika jarak dari matahari ke Bumi adalah 93.000.000 mil, berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan cahaya tiba di sini dari matahari (Satu mil 1609,344 m) 14) Galaksi Andromeda berjarak sekitar 2 E6 tahun cahaya. Siput dalam masalah 1 akan mengambil berapa lama untuk sampai di sana jika mampu melakukannya 15) Berapa banyak nanojoule dalam satu kilojoule 16) Truk semen menuangkan semen untuk teras dengan kecepatan 25 meter kubik semen per jam. . Ungkapkan itu di kaki kubik per menit. 17) Menggunakan diagram, jelaskan perbedaan antara akurasi dan presisi. 18) Segitiga 30deg-60deg-90deg memiliki sisi miring 24 meter. Berapa lama sisi berlawanan dengan sudut 60deg 19) Turunkan ungkapan (sin x) 2 (cos x) 2 1. 20) Jika sin q 817, temukan cos q. 21) Jalan yang menuju Halloran Summit ke Las Vegas berjarak 83 mil. Jika kita berasumsi bahwa jalan adalah garis lurus dan downgrade keseluruhan adalah 0,35deg, hitunglah keseluruhan keturunan, di kaki, di antara dua titik. 22) Penyihir yang baik muncul dalam hidup Anda suatu hari dan mengatakan bahwa dia akan memberi Anda satu miliar dolar jika Anda bisa menghabiskan semuanya selama hidup Anda dengan kecepatan tepat satu dolar setiap detiknya. Apakah Anda mendapatkan moolah 23) Dua titik diberikan dalam koordinat polar seperti (3. 30deg) dan (6. 150deg). Berapa jarak antara dua poin 24) Kebanyakan pitcher liga utama melempar bola cepat yang memiliki kecepatan 90 mil per jam. Dengan asumsi bahwa jarak dari pitcher ke pemukul adalah 60 kaki, berapa lama adonan harus bereaksi begitu bola meninggalkan pegangan tangan 25) Pantai barat pantai tertentu berukuran 3000 meter, lebar 30 meter, dan kedalaman 4 meter. . Jika butir pasir adalah batu yang sempurna dan ukurannya 0,25 mm di satu sisi, berapa butir pasir ada di pantai Fisika 1 --- Bab 2 Lembar Studi 1) Sebuah mobil baru-baru ini menyatakan bahwa mobil terbarunya bisa melaju dari nol. Sampai 60 mil per jam dalam 7,5 detik. Berapakah percepatannya di unit SI 2) Sebuah tumpangan di Magic Mountain menjatuhkan penunggangnya lurus dari ketinggian sepuluh cerita. Mengingat bahwa cerita rata-rata tingginya dua belas kaki, seberapa cepat perjalanan naik saat mencapai tanah, di unit SI. (3.281 kaki 1 m) 3) Billy mengendarai sepedanya menyusuri jalan raya yang ramai dengan kecepatan 25 mil per jam. Tiba-tiba sebuah truk sampah besar mundur ke jalannya, sekitar 70 kaki di depannya. Apa yang harus perlambatannya, sekali lagi di unit SI, sehingga Billy dan sepedanya tidak menjadi bagian dari truk Asumsikan Billy segera menginjak rem setelah melihat truknya. 4) Tim softball AV College wanita sedang berolahraga di taman. Heather dapat berlari di sekitar basis (60 kaki terpisah) dan menyentuh rumah lagi di 16,6 s. Apa perpindahannya Berapa kecepatan rata-ratanya Berapa kecepatan rata-ratanya 5) Salah satu gadis itu berjalan dalam jangka panjang dan bola macet, sekitar 10,5 m di pohon. Salah satu rekan setimnya berpikir dia bisa melempar bola lagi ke sana untuk menjatuhkannya. Berapa kecepatan minimum yang diperlukan untuk bola yang dilemparkan untuk menggantikan bola yang tertancap di pohon (dengan asumsi sentuhan adalah yang dibutuhkan) 6) skateboard, percepatan dari diam pada tingkat yang konstan, mengalami perpindahan 44 m pada 20 detik. Apa akselerasinya 7) Bola bowling dilepaskan saat beristirahat dari puncak Monumen Washington. Ini menyentuh tanah setelah jatuh untuk 6.0 s. Dengan asumsi hambatan udara diabaikan, berapakah ketinggian bola yang dijatuhkan 8) Planet Dirtbag diketahui memiliki gravitasi hanya dua per lima dari Bumi. Jika sebuah herbot Dirtbaggian diproyeksikan secara vertikal dari tanah dengan kecepatan 63,7 ms, berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk hulaball menyentuh permukaan planet 9) Bila seekor dragster tertentu mencapai kecepatan 80 ms, maka percepatan tersebut akan berakibat akselerasi negatif. Dengan melepaskan parasut dan mengayuh rem nya. Sementara mengurangi kecepatannya kembali ke nol, percepatannya adalah matte konstan -7,5. Perpindahan apa yang dialaminya selama periode deselerasi ini 10) Batu dilempar ke bawah dari puncak menara dengan kecepatan awal 14 ms. Jika batu menyentuh tanah setelah 3.0 s, berapakah puncak menara 11) Michael Johnson mencetak rekor dunia di Olimpiade 1996 dengan berlari di dasbor 200 meter di 19.32. Seberapa cepat kecepatan rata-ratanya di unit SI Seberapa cepat ini dalam mil per jam 12) Waktu reaksi manusia rata-rata sekitar 0,18 s. Penyihir yang baik itu muncul kembali dalam hidup Anda lagi dan mengatakan bahwa dia akan memegang uang seribu dolar tepat di atas ibu jari dan telunjuk terbuka Anda dan akan segera turun kapan saja. Panjang tagihan adalah 15,5 cm. Jika reaksi Anda rata-rata, apakah Anda akan mendapatkan uang atau membiarkannya tergelincir melalui jari Anda Asumsikan tagihan jatuh lurus ke bawah tanpa hambatan udara. 13) Jarak dari Bumi ke matahari adalah 93.000.000 mil. Temukan kecepatan Bumi di orbitnya tentang matahari. 14) Kereta api melaju dari titik A ke titik B dengan kecepatan 80 mil per jam dan kembali dengan rute yang sama pada 100 mil per jam. Berapakah kecepatan rata-ratanya untuk perjalanan pulang 15) Dua pria, masing-masing memegang bola bisbol, berdiri di atas sebuah bangunan. Setiap orang melempar bola bisbol mereka dengan kecepatan 16 ms, satu lurus ke atas dan satu lurus ke bawah. Yang pertama menyentuh jalan dalam waktu t1. Berapa lama kemudian untuk bola kedua yang menuju ke jalan (dalam hal t1) 16) Buatlah grafik perpindahan waktu dengan spesifikasi berikut: a) Dari t0 sampai t2 s, tubuh bergerak pada konstanta 2 ms b) Dari t2 sampai t4 s, tubuh tetap tidak bergerak c) Dari t4 sampai t7 s, tubuh bergerak pada konstanta 1 ms d) Dari t7 sampai t9 s, tubuh bergerak pada konstanta -3 ms e) Dari t9 sampai t10 s , Tubuh tetap tidak bergerak Apa perpindahan terakhir tubuh dari posisi semula Berapa kecepatan rata-ratanya 17) Amati grafik berikut dan gambarkan gerak selama setiap interval: (Grafik tidak diterjemahkan ke dalam kode HTML maaf) 18) Seorang guru fisika gila melompat dari pesawat terbang dan melaju dengan gravitasi hingga kecepatan maksimum 58,8 ms dalam 6 detik. Dia kemudian membuka parasutnya dan setelah melakukan deselerasi empat detik, turun pada 10 ms selama 60 detik, mencapai tanah. Dari ketinggian apa guru fisika gila itu melompat Fisika 1 --- Bab 3 Lembar Studi 1) Jelaskan perbedaan antara vektor dan skalar dan berikan tiga contoh masing-masing. 2) Turunkan persamaan: sin kuadratkan theta cos kuadratkan theta 1. 3) Jelaskan kombinasi aritmatika dari skalar, vektor, dan konstanta yang diijinkan dan apa hasilnya. 4) Seorang pria membawa istrinya yang sedang hamil ke rumah sakit untuk melahirkan bayi. Mereka tinggal 14,0 km selatan dan 11,5 km sebelah timur rumah sakit. Jika mereka melakukan perjalanan tanpa hambatan pada kecepatan konstan 25 ms, berapa banyak waktu yang akan mereka hemat dengan melakukan perjalanan di garis lurus diagonal daripada di jalan persegi panjang karena mereka harus 5) Tambahkan dua vektor kekuatan ini secara analitis: F1 (16 N, 50deg) F2 (12 N, 190deg). 6) Seekor semut di atas meja piknik berjalan 30 cm ke arah timur, lalu 25 cm ke arah utara, lalu 10 cm ke arah barat. Berapakah besarnya dan arah perpindahan bersih dari titik awalnya 7) Tiga pria bergabung untuk mengerahkan 370 N pada sudut 15deg di atas horisontal saat mereka mendorong Impro rusak 1964 mereka (Anda tahu, yang memiliki lampu abu-abu di kemudi Sumur, bola dingle dan interior tuck-and-roll) ke bengkel servis. Apa komponen paralel dan tegak lurus dari gaya gabungan mereka relatif terhadap tanah 8) Lima kumbang kotoran berjuang mengatasi sebuah dungball dan mendorongnya dengan kekuatan yang sama namun dalam arah yang berbeda. Mereka mendorong kelima arah ini: utara, timur laut, barat daya, timur, dan barat laut. Ke arah mana bola akan melaju 9) Raul Mondesi melempar bola baseball dari lapangan dalam ke kanan sampai ke base ketiga dengan cepat. Bola dilemparkan pada kecepatan awal 32 ms dan pada sudut awal 27deg berkenaan dengan horisontal. Jika bola tertangkap oleh Todd Zeile di tempat ketiga setinggi ketinggian saat dilempar, dan bola dalam penerbangan persis 3.0 detik, seberapa jauh Raul melempar bola, yaitu apakah bola perpindahan horisontal 10) A Pemburu game besar sedang berada di safari di hutan terdalam di Zimbabwe. Dia melihat mangsanya, monyet jahe berbintik, 30 m di atasnya di sebatang pohon yang berjarak 20 m dari sana. Dia tahu persis saat dia menembakkan senapannya, monyet itu akan jatuh dari tempat bertenggernya dan jatuh ke tanah untuk menghindari tertembak peluru. Seberapa jauh, di atas atau di bawah monyet, harus tujuan pemburu, untuk memukul monyet 11) quarterback NFL ingin melempar bola ke penerima lebar 30,0 m ke lapangan. Jika dia tahu dia melempar dengan kecepatan awal 18,0 ms, pada sudut mana dia harus melempar bola untuk mendapatkan bola penerima 12) Helikopter penyelamatan menjatuhkan persediaan ke sekelompok penjelajah terdampar. Jika helikopter berjarak 150 m di atas tanah dan melaju dengan kecepatan konstan 40 ms, seberapa jauh penjelajah harus membawa paket perawatan ke tanah pada posisi mereka 13) Batu dilemparkan pada sudut 30 derajat di atas horisontal. Dengan kecepatan awal 12 ms dari tepi atas tebing yang tingginya 120 m. Berapakah besarnya komponen horisontal dan vertikal dari kecepatan batu seketika itu menyentuh tanah 14) Tidak ada yang pernah lama melonjak sejauh 30 kaki. Mengingat bahwa kecepatan tertinggi mutlak yang bisa dijalankan seorang pria adalah 25 mil per jam, temukan sudut di mana ia harus melompat, relatif ke horisontal, sampai lompat jauh 30 kaki. 15) Dan Marino mengambil bola di garis pergulatan, berlari mundur sejauh 10 yard, lalu menyamping, sejajar dengan garis scrimmage selama 15 yard. Lalu ia melempar halaman 40 lurus ke depan dengan lurus ke bawah, tegak lurus dengan garis pergelangan tangan, tempat gagangnya ditangani segera. Sejauh mana sepak bola telah terlantar dari posisi semula 16) Untuk memenuhi syarat dengan senapan M-16 di Angkatan Darat AS, seorang tentara harus bisa mencapai target di 300 meter jauhnya. Seorang tentara langsung menuju bullseye namun mendapati peluru menyentuh 4 inci di bawah bullseye. Berapakah kecepatan awal peluru (Disini mengabaikan hambatan udara meskipun ini adalah faktor nyata.) 17) Malfun imbang dua sisi di depan mobil Anda dan menyisakan celah 12 m di antara dua bentang jembatan. Jika bentangnya ditinggikan 22deg relatif terhadap horisontal, kecepatan mobil minimum yang harus Anda gunakan untuk dapat mendarat dengan aman di bentang jembatan yang berlawanan 18) Gunung tertinggi di Mars adalah Olympus Mons, naik 22.000 meter di atas permukaan Mars. Jika kita melempar benda secara horizontal dari puncak gunung, seberapa jauh, diagonal, dari titik lempar di puncak gunung, objek akan mendarat. Gravitasi di Mars adalah 0,38 g. 19) Mickey Mantle menabrak bola baseball dengan kecepatan 44 ms dan pada sudut 30deg di atas horizontal. Pagar setinggi 5 m terletak pada jarak horizontal 132 m dari titik di mana bola dipukul. Dengan asumsi bola meninggalkan kelelawarnya 1 m di atas tanah, temukan seberapa jauh jarak bola membersihkan pagar. 20) Ini adalah kisah umum tentang George Washington bahwa dia bisa melempar dolar perak melintasi Sungai Potomac. Dengan asumsi bahwa sungai itu lebarnya 75 m, dan dia melemparkan dolar pada sudut 45deg, temukan kecepatan awal minimum yang diperlukan untuk melempar koin di seberang sungai. Fisika 1 --- Bab 4 Lembar Studi 1) Jelaskan perbedaan antara massa dan berat. 2) State Newtons tiga hukum gerak dan memberi contoh masing-masing. 3) Jelaskan dua tipe umum gaya gesek dan bagaimana penerapannya. 4) Jelaskan perbedaan antara mekanika klasik (Newtonian) dan relativistik (Einsteinian). 5) Blok kayu dengan massa 40 kg ditindaklanjuti dengan kekuatan konstan 12 N. Seberapa cepat blok tersebut bergerak setelah tiga detik 6) Percepatan gravitasi di planet Barf 3,5 kali seperti di planet bumi . Dengan demikian sebuah objek massa 22 kg di Bumi akan memiliki massa di planet Barf 7) Percepatan gravitasi di planet Drek adalah 1,7 kali di planet bumi. Dengan demikian, benda seberat 160 kg di atas Drek akan memiliki berat apa di planet Bumi 8) Gerobak dengan berat 300 N dipercepat di permukaan setinggi 0,5 mss. Kekuatan bersih apa yang ada pada gerobak 9) Lift seberat 30000 N didukung oleh empat kabel baja identik. Berapakah ketegangan di setiap kabel saat lift dipercepat naik dengan kecepatan 2,5 mss 10) Gaya horisontal 650 N diperlukan untuk mengatasi gaya gesekan statis antara lantai lantai dan peti 220 kg. Berapakah koefisien gesekan statik antara peti kayu dan lantai beton 11) Perahu layar dengan massa 2.500 kg mengalami gaya timur 4.500 N oleh arus laut dan kekuatan angin melawan layar dengan magnitude 5500 N yang mengarah ke arah barat laut. , Yaitu 45deg utara barat. Berapakah akselerasi yang dihasilkan baik dalam besaran dan arah 12) Sebuah kotak penuh massa 240 ton saat istirahat menjadi tidak terbungkus dari kereta di lereng 12deg. Jika lintasannya dianggap gesekan (tentu saja tidak mungkin tentu saja), kecepatan apa yang dimiliki oleh boxcar setelah 8,0 detik 13) Anda mengemudikan mobil Anda ke sekolah suatu hari ketika Anda harus mengeremnya tiba-tiba. Jika Anda bepergian dengan kecepatan 35 ms, mobil Anda memiliki massa 1800 kg, dan kekuatan pengereman Anda adalah 8000 N konstan, sejauh mana perjalanan mobil Anda sebelum berhenti total 14) Mark McGwire menyerang pesawat masuk 42 Ms fastball Bola meninggalkan kelelawar di 54 ms setelah waktu kontak ball-on-bat 0,03 s. Kekuatan apa yang diberikan pada bola basket 15 kg 15) Kristi Yamaguchi bergerak di atas es pada 12 ms dan meluncur di 140m pada permukaan es yang halus dan rata. Berapakah koefisien gesekan antara es dan sepatu roda 16) Thelma dan Louise menggunakan tali untuk menarik keluar yang aman dari bank dengan berat 1200 N di permukaan permukaan dengan kecepatan konstan. Tali membuat sudut 20deg di atas horisontal dan ketegangan pada tali adalah 250 N. Berapakah koefisien gesekan 17) Lampu lalu lintas 30 kg menggantung di antara dua tiang dengan jarak 50 m. Jika lobang di kabel adalah 0,75 m, berapakah ketegangan di setiap sisi kabel 18) Anda berkendara ke San Francisco dan memarkir mobil Anda di depan rumah teman Anda di jalan yang agak miring. Anda tahu bahwa koefisien gesekan antara ban dan jalan adalah m.78. Apa sudut yang paling curam, q, bahwa Anda dapat memarkir mobil Anda (roda terkunci) tanpa tergelincir menurun 19) Ingemar Stenmark bermain ski di 22 ms di lereng salju 30deg, saat dia menemukan sebidang besar salju basah. Salju basah memiliki koefisien gesekan m .67. Seberapa jauh menuruni bukit dia pergi sebelum berhenti 20) Sebuah kereta luncur 150 N ditarik ke lereng 28deg dengan kecepatan konstan dengan kekuatan 100N. Di dekat puncak lereng, kereta luncur dilepaskan. Dengan percepatan apa kereta luncur kembali menuruni bukit Fisika 1 --- Bab 5 Lembar Studi 1) Jelaskan hubungan antara kerja, energi, dan kekuatan menunjukkan kesetaraan unit cos WFd q dan KE 12 mv2. 2) Berikan tiga contoh energi potensial dan cara diubah menjadi energi kinetik. 3) Jelaskan perbedaan antara kekuatan konservatif dan non-konservatif. 4) Jelaskan Hookes Law dan hubungannya dengan energi potensial yang tersimpan di musim semi. 5) Robin Hood menembakkan panah lurus ke atas pada kecepatan awal 65 ms. Dengan menggunakan pertimbangan energi saja dan mengabaikan hambatan udara, temukan ketinggian tertinggi anak panah. 6) Berapakah jumlah energi minimum yang dibutuhkan untuk pemanjat 80 kg yang membawa paket 20 kg untuk mendaki Mt. Everest, puncak 8850 m tinggi 7) Sebuah peti 60 N ditarik ke atas bidang miring 7 m dengan kecepatan konstan. Jika bidang miring pada sudut 25 derajat ke horisontal dan ada gaya konstan gesekan 8 N antara peti dan permukaan, berapakah keuntungan bersih energi potensial oleh peti dalam proses 8) Apa itu Energi kinetik 5 oz. Enggak dilemparkan pada kecepatan 90 mil per jam 9) Sopir tumpukan mengemudikan pos 3500 kg melalui ketinggian 6,5 m pada setiap pukulan. Jika kekuatan penahan tanah adalah 3,5 x 106 N, seberapa jauh ke bumi adalah pos besar yang digerakkan pada setiap pukulan 10) Seorang wanita 55 kg berjalan di tangga Empire State Building, kenaikan vertikal 320 m, dalam waktu 9,5 menit. . Berapa banyak pekerjaan yang dia lakukan Berapa daya rata-rata yang dia berikan 11) Pedang sederhana, panjang 1,2 m, dilepaskan dari istirahat saat senar pendukung berada pada sudut 38deg dari vertikal. Berapakah kecepatan massa yang tersuspensi di bagian bawah ayunan 12) Pendulum sederhana lainnya, yang memiliki panjang 1,8 m, dilepaskan dengan dorongan ke bawah saat senar pendukung berada pada sudut 27deg dari vertikal. Jika dorongan awal memberikan kecepatan awal 1,4 ms pada titik pelepasan, ke sudut maksimum apa yang akan digerakkan pada paruh kedua ayunannya 13) Pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh gesekan statis selalu: A) positif B) negatif C) Nol D) terhadap arah gerak E) di sepanjang permukaan 14) Anda memukul bola tenis ke dinding dan perhatikan bahwa bola hanya memiliki 34 kecepatan aslinya saat memantul kembali. Apa bagian dari energi kinetik yang hilang saat tabrakan dengan dinding 15) Anda dan teman Anda menggunakan kekuatan 3500 N pada sudut 12deg ke horizontal mendorong abu primer rusak Anda 1964 Impala dengan bola suram, selip dan gulung. Interior, dua kali pipa, lampu abu-abu di sumur roda, dan quotCrystal Blue Persuasionquot dilukis di kaca belakang. Mobil ini memiliki massa 1500 kg. Anda mencapai akselerasi 1,7 mss dengan jarak tempuh 10 meter. Kekuatan gesekan apa yang menghalangi gerak mobil Berapa banyak pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh Anda dan teman Anda 16) Anda mengendarai sepeda Anda menuruni bukit. Massa total Anda adalah 54 kg. Di puncak bukit, kecepatanmu 5 ms. Bukit setinggi 18 m dan panjang 165 m. Jika gaya gesekan adalah 20 N, berapakah kecepatan Anda di dasar bukit 17) Geyser Tua yang Setia di Taman Yellowstone memotret sampai ketinggian 40 m hampir setiap jamnya. Pada kecepatan apa air harus meninggalkan tanah 18) Grossbarger T. Zyglewicz, angkat berat poles, bisa mengangkat 250 kg ke ketinggian 2 meter dalam 1,75 detik. Berapa banyak pekerjaan yang dia lakukan dan berapa daya keluarannya 19) Terakhir kali Anda bermain ski air, Anda memperhatikan bahwa speedboat membutuhkan 85 kW untuk bergerak dengan kecepatan konstan 18 ms. Berapakah kekuatan resistif air pada kecepatan 20) Brett Butler melempar bola basket seberat 15 kg pada kecepatan 40 ms dan pada sudut awal 22deg dari ketinggian 2 m. Berapakah energi kinetik dan potensial bola pada titik tertinggi di lintasannya 21) Mobil sport MR2 saya memiliki massa 1120 kg dan melaju dari nol sampai 25 ms pada 7,8 s. Berapakah tenaga kuda rata-rata yang diberikan oleh mesin (1 hp 746 W) 22) Platform pegas dibangun untuk digunakan oleh orang akrobat untuk mensimulasikan hasil ledakan di dekatnya. Jika pegas dikompres dengan jarak 0,375 m, ia bisa meluncurkan akselerator 70 kg sampai ketinggian 6 m saat dilepaskan secara vertikal dari istirahat. Mengabaikan semua gaya resistif, menentukan konstanta pegas dan kecepatan stunt man saat ia melewati posisi ekuilibrium (x 0) pada pegas. Fisika 1 --- Bab 6 Lembar Studi 1) Jelaskan hubungan antara gaya, momentum, waktu, massa dan kecepatan. 2) Jelaskan prinsip konservasi momentum yang menggambarkan bagaimana penerapannya terhadap gerakan dua dimensi sekaligus gerakan linier. 3) Jelaskan perbedaan antara tumbukan elastis dan sempurna sempurna dan berikan contoh masing-masing. 4) Sebuah skater skater 55 kg berakselerasi dari posisi diam sampai kecepatan 18 ms dalam 4,0 s. Apa perubahan momentumnya Kekuatan apa yang harus diterapkan Verifikasi jawaban Anda dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip mekanika. 5) Seorang perenang melompat secara horisontal dari sebuah perahu aluminium (perahu kecil) dengan berat 175 kg. Kecepatan perenang segera setelah meninggalkan skiff adalah 3,2 ms. Jika skiff bergerak pada kecepatan 1,25 ms, berapakah massa perenang 6) Bus 4800 kg yang bergerak di 28 ms domba jantan menjadi mobil yang diparkir dan mengunci bemper saat kedua kendaraan tersebut terus melaju pada 19 ms. Berapa massa mobil yang diparkir 7) Bola raket 65 g, yang awalnya bergerak horizontal pada 47 ms, membanting ke dinding dan rebound pada kecepatan 39 ms. Berapakah perubahan momentumnya 8) Howitzer angkatan darat 3200 kg membakar kulit dengan berat 70 kg dengan kecepatan 220 ms pada sudut 40deg di atas horizontal. Mengingat bahwa wahana howitzer pada roda tanpa gesekan, berapakah kecepatan mengguncang howitzer di sepanjang permukaan tanah tempat benda itu berada 9) Senapan mesin terpasang pada mobil datar kereta api seberat 1,45 x 105 kg yang mampu berguling dengan mudah diabaikan. gesekan. Berapa banyak peluru massa 16 g yang harus dipecat pada 330 ms dari belakang dengan pistol sehingga kereta api mencapai kecepatan maju 1,0 ms 10) Roger Clemens melempar bola api 150 g ke Junior Griffey dengan kecepatan 42 ms. Adonan memukul bola lurus kembali ke teko dengan kecepatan balik 58 ms. Jika kelelawar bersentuhan dengan bola untuk 0,10 detik, apa impuls yang dialami bola 11) Bob pendulum massa 50 g diskors dari string sepanjang 1,4 m pada sudut 28deg dari vertikal. Jika pendulum dilepaskan dari istirahat dan pemogokan 80 g keping es pada titik terendah dalam ayunannya, berapa kecepatan keping esnya jika semua momentum pendulum dipindahkan ke keping 12) Kereta muatan muatan massa yang dimuat 45.000 kg meluncur dengan kecepatan konstan 2.2 ms sepanjang jalur horizontal. Ini bertabrakan dan pasangan dengan rel, kosong tak bergerak massa 20.000 kg. Berapa persen energi kinetik awal dari kereta yang lebih besar yang dipertahankannya setelah tabrakan 13) Jika momentum suatu objek dinaikkan oleh faktor sembilan, dengan faktor apa energi kinetiknya berubah 14) Jika energi kinetik dari sebuah Objek dipotong 50, bagaimana momentumnya berubah 15) Bola 3 kg yang melaju ke arah timur pada 6 ms bertabrakan secara elastis dengan bola 4 kg yang melaju ke barat pada ketinggian 3 ms. Berapakah kecepatan akhir bola setelah tabrakan 16) Bola bilyar yang melaju dengan kecepatan 1,4 ms menyerang dua bola identik sehingga satu bola menggelinding pada 40deg relatif terhadap arah bola yang mencolok, dan gulungan lainnya pada -50deg. Mengingat bola yang mencolok tidak bergerak setelah tabrakan, berapakah rasio kecepatan bola pertama yang terkena bola kedua setelah tabrakan 17) Bola bowling 7,4 kg menyerang pin bowling 1,8 kg. Pin terbang maju dengan kecepatan 6,2 ms sementara bola terus berlanjut dengan kecepatan 3,9 ms. Apa bola boling kecepatan asli 18) Bola bilyar yang bergerak di 2,7 ms menyerang bola stasioner dari massa yang sama. Setelah tumbukan, bola asli bergerak maju dengan kecepatan 2,1 ms pada sudut 34deg yang relatif terhadap gerakan aslinya. Temukan kecepatan dan arah bola yang tertimpa setelah tabrakan 19) Emmitt Smith, massa 105 kg, berlari ke arah utara pada 11 ms. Dia ditangani dalam tabrakan inelastis oleh Kulkas Perry, massa 155 kg, berlari ke selatan pada 4 ms. Berapakah kecepatan terakhir dari dua pemain setelah mengatasi 20) Peluru seberat 10 g ditembakkan ke blok kayu 200 g saat beristirahat pada permukaan horizontal. Setelah dampak blok tersebut dilipat 8,0 m sebelum datang untuk beristirahat. Jika koefisien gesekannya adalah 0,4, carilah kecepatan peluru sebelum benturan. Fisika 1 --- Bab 7 Lembar Studi 1) Jelaskan hubungan antara panjang busur, perpindahan sudut, dan jari-jari dalam gerakan melingkar. Mengkonversi radian ke derajat dan sebaliknya. 2) Jelaskan derivasi kecepatan sudut dan hubungannya dengan kecepatan linier (atau tangensial). 3) Jelaskan derivasi percepatan tangensial dan hubungannya dengan percepatan linier. 4) Jelaskan sifat vektor kekuatan sentripetal, percepatan sentripetal, percepatan tangensial, dan kecepatan linier. 5) Jelaskan Hukum Newton tentang Gravitasi Universal dengan simbol dan kata-kata. 6) Nyatakan dan deskripsikan Kepler tiga hukum gerak planet. 7) Helikopter memiliki rotor bilah 3,5 m panjang dan berputar pada 650 rpm. Berapakah kecepatan tangensial dari masing-masing ujung pisau dan percepatan sentripetal apa yang harus bertindak 2,2 m dari sumbu rotasi 8) Massa 650 g, yang menempel pada ujung senar 83 cm, berputar mengelilingi jalur horisontal melingkar. . Jika tegangan maksimum yang dapat menahan string adalah 480 N, berapakah kecepatan maksimum yang dimiliki massa jika senar tidak pecah 9) Roda penggilingan radius 0,18 m, mulai saat istirahat, kembangkan kecepatan sudut 12,5 rad di Interval waktu 3,65 s. Berapakah percepatan sentripetal suatu titik .116 m dari pusat saat roda bergerak pada kecepatan sudut 12,5 rad 10) Roda Ferris, yang pada awalnya berputar dengan kecepatan sudut 0,58 rad, mempercepat interval 8,3 detik pada Tingkat .047 radss. Berapakah kecepatan sudutnya setelah selang waktu ini dan perpindahan sudut (dalam radian dan derajat) yang dialami roda Ferris pada pukul 8.3 s 11) Bola bowling 35,0 kg diangkut ke permukaan planet X dimana ditemukan memiliki Berat 1450 N. Jari-jari planet ini diketahui 4,55 x 10E6 m. Berapakah massa planet X (G 6,67 x 10-11 Nmiddotm2kg2) 12) Berapakah kecepatan sudut di tengah bumi untuk seseorang yang berdiri di garis ekuator 13) Jika diameter Bumi adalah 7827 mil, hitunglah Kecepatan linier karena rotasi bumi untuk seseorang yang berdiri di ekuator bumi. 14) Tali pemukul rumput liar berukuran 18 m. Jika motor berputar pada 24 putaran, berapakah kecepatan tangensial dari ujung kabelChris Tingom yang aneh pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2006 Melompat dari Kereta Bergerak 8211 Tip Nyata yang Bisa Anda Gunakan Hal ini terjadi pada saya malam ini bahwa tidak ada instruksi yang diberikan di Sekolah tentang bagaimana benar melompat dari kereta yang bergerak. Ini adalah pengawasan utama. Orang-orang yang datang dengan kurikulum harus kecewa dengan diri mereka sendiri. Hanya untuk memulai, saya mempresentasikan pertanyaan matematika hipotetis ini. Ingatlah, ini menggunakan matematika 8216new8217. Alan sedang melakukan perjalanan dengan kereta barang yang bergerak dengan kecepatan 43 mph, dan temannya Jeremy berada di jalur kereta api yang berlawanan menuju ke arahnya pada kecepatan 27 mph. Dengan asumsi bahwa Alan sarapan telur dan jus jeruk, teknik gulung yang tepat yang harus dia gunakan untuk menghindari cedera. Lihat, itu lebih mendidik daripada pertanyaan matematika biasa Anda. Ini adalah barang kehidupan nyata yang bisa Anda gunakan. Jika Anda memikirkannya sendiri: Saya tidak pernah harus melompat dari kereta yang bergerak Anda membuat kesalahan. Tidak ada yang berencana untuk melompat dari kereta yang bergerak. Mereka hanya menemukan diri mereka dalam situasi yang buruk dan melompat adalah satu-satunya pilihan. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan umum mengapa Anda mungkin perlu melompat dari kereta yang bergerak: Anda dikejar oleh James Bond dan dia sering berlatih melompat dari kereta yang bergerak. Jembatan itu kedepan, pasti karena berang-berang. Teman Anda baru saja melompat keluar dan dia memiliki kuncinya. Anda menemukan diri Anda dalam sebuah kontes untuk teknik melompat dan gulung terbaik, dan Anda hanya bisa memastikan penghematan hidup Anda. Anda naik kereta dan menyadari terlambat bahwa semua penumpang lainnya adalah peniru Elvis. Kereta Anda memiliki onboard bom nuklir. Seperti yang Anda lihat, ada sejumlah kasus di mana melompat dari kereta yang bergerak mungkin merupakan satu-satunya pilihan Anda. Situasi ini selalu mengejutkan. Itulah sebabnya mengapa belajar teknik melompat dan gulung yang tepat. Untuk berjaga-jaga. Plus, ini membuat makanan ternak percakapan hebat di pertemuan sosial Anda selanjutnya. Langsung dari kereta saat bergerak menanjak atau melambat Menonton ke depan untuk puing-puing yang bisa menyebabkan luka Lompat saat di dekat tanah atau daerah berumput jika Anda bisa Saat Anda melompat, rencanakan gulungan Anda di atas satu bahu, lalu gulung ke bola Berdiri perlahan dan periksa. Untuk cedera, Anda mungkin perlu menahan napas Selalu, selalu melompat ke depan, jika tidak, Anda akan berakhir dengan pantat Anda yang bergerak ke belakang Pastikan untuk tidak menggigit lidah Anda. Itu adalah tip BrainFuel untuk melompat dari kereta yang bergerak. Selalu membawa Anda konten terbaik. Peringatan: melompat dari kereta yang bergerak sangat berbahaya. Jika Anda tidak percaya, bacalah ini. Saya tidak bisa melakukan matematika karena kita menggunakan metrik di bawahnya. Orang-orang terkenal yang terbiasa memegang wiper layar angin belakang kereta dan mengendarainya saat sedang bergerak dari satu stasiun ke stasiun lain, cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan tumpangan gratis. Akan menjadi cara yang buruk untuk mati, itu sebabnya tip ini memang sangat penting. Mereka mengatakan kepada saya bahwa ada semacam pusaran di bagian belakang kereta (mirip dengan apa yang dikemukakan pengendara sepeda motor pada truk) sambil bergerak yang menciptakan semacam kerucut diam, sedemikian rupa sehingga Anda dapat terus berbicara di telepon seluler Anda. . Now if your other mobile phone was to ring or you had to scratch whilst in the middle of a conversation on the first mobile you would have to let go of what you were hanging on to, which would cause your journey to end. Knowing how to land correctly would be vital to your survival. I have also been told stories about people putting their feet on the tracks and holding onto the back of the train, known as train surfing. This would surely kill you. Akhirnya. You mention that this might be dangerous, but I propose that after learning these instructions it is safer than jumping on the bed 8230at least for me. When I was 8 years old, I was jumping on my parents bed showing them how I could do the gymnastics moves they were watching on the 1988 olympics. I had not been taught how to safely jump on the bed in school (yet another terrible oversight), so I didn8217t know that step 7 for jumping from a train also applies to jumping on the bed As you may have guessed by now, I was laughing while jumping on the bed. as I came down to jump again, my knee found itself underneath my chin while my head was rapidly descending. My jaw obviously closed, and, well, my tounge was in the way. 3 hours, one trip to the emergency room, 7 stitches in my tounge, and an average crying level of 96dB SPL (A weighted), I had my tounge back in one piece. But pay special attention to step 7 above, because if you8217re jumping from a train you8217re likely farther from an emergency room than I was at home I can verify that train surfing can and does take place. I would have seen it going on in Germany. But the dangers of train surfing became all too apparent to me one evening when I was waiting for my S-Bahn home. There I was waiting for my train, trains coming and going, no big excitement. Then I heard someone whooping and hollering. I looked around to see some dude hanging on to the back of the train. He was kinda hanging out the side at the back and seemed to be having a mighty fine time of it going his whooping and hollering, never mind the large grin on his face. Anyway as the train picked up speed, I duno maybe hadnt thought it throught, but as it pulled out of the station, all the time picking up speed, and as the platform got shorter and shorted for him he had to make a decision. Hang on or jump off. he jumped. wrong decisionhe went head first into an all too stationary pole Not a pretty sight. Good news is that he survived but the bad news is that he both shat and pissed himself, as a result of the impact or from fright I dont know. And here is a wonderful photo to go along with this post. I am an avid cliffbridge jumper. I have a dream to jump off of a moving train at a local swimming hole, where the railroad bridge crosses the river. Has anyone heard of anyone attempting anything like this The train usually goes 40-50 Mph across the bridge, and the river is 50 feet wide at best. I need some more input on this before I even think about attempting. Help me if you can.. Dude, you8217d miss the river for sure. Don8217t try that. Plus, hitting water at that speed could kill you. Train Hopping 1974 In 1974 I hopped a freight train for fun and adventure with a young man, Eric, who I had met that afternoon. He was my age8230mature teenagers. We were bored hip-kids living in Ashland, Oregon. We found a ride into the next state, California, so we could ride the train back home. Once In the train yard we climbed up and held onto the ladder nearest a open boxcar door. After the train started moving faster8230 Eric determined that it was 8220going the wrong way.8221 It was heading south from Dunsmire, into California. He said, 8220Jump8221 and he jumped. He landed feet first and running with the direction of the train. I had a split second, as a girl, to either jump or ride alone. I had no pack, of course no cell phone, and was dressed for summer weather. The seconds that passed between his command and my decision resulted in a much faster train speed. It had also greatly increased the distance traveled from him. I chose to jump. I jumped as though into a swimming pool. I had no idea what else to do. I simply said, 8220God, please help me.8221 I hit the gravel and hard dusty berm below with an impact. I8217m guessing the train was going about 18 mph. I rolled and tumbled like a cartwheel and finally landed on my butt8230upright. I began to cry. But not wanting to appear like a baby, I pulled myself together, stood up and said, 8220It8217s OK. I8217m alright.8221 At that age, I didn8217t realize the gravity of the danger of what I was doing. I could have died that day in numerous ways: a door sliding shut on us, my clothing getting caught on something, a broken back or neck, or fell under the wheels. Please read the advice, everyone, about these very real dangers. I don8217t know why I was unharmed, God had a plan for my life I suppose. As Providence would have it, we both brushed ourselves off and reboarded a train with an open boxcar that was starting-up for Northbound towards home. The trip back was an experience of wonder and beauty. We didn8217t speak much, we just wanted to get back home8230 safe. As we wound our way far from the highway and towns we found ourselves passing areas that only can been seen by rail. The sun setting casting an orange glow on Mt. Shasta8217s snowy top was stunning. We passed a waterfall that flowed under the train trestle. The train climbed slowly over the Siskiyou Mt. s as the sunset turned into a cobalt blue star filled sky. Chilled, we just huddled in the boxcar door trying to stay warm. When we arrived in Ashland the train slowed at a crossing and we simply stepped off a block from Eric8217s place and I walked home a short distance away. Later, a friend remarked, 8220Where did you get this Levi8217s shirt. It looks like it was mauled by a lion.8221 It was the shirt I was wearing that day. No blood but the back was shredded. I would like to mention that my Great Grandfather was a Colorado Railroad man during the Great Depression era. He was not a conductor but a professional rail supervisor. Perhaps his spirit rode me that day. I never saw Eric again8230he was traveling through and we lost contact. I was in Oregon just for a summer. The memories remain in my mind like faded photographs. Today, by an act of Congress, train hopping is a federal offense in the USA8230.and don8217t forget it And, don8217t forget my brush with death on that beautiful California summer day. I was very fortunate. Next time I want a rail journey I will simply buy a ticket and view the scenes from my window while reading the history of train-hopping. Q: Alan is travelling on a freight train which is moving at 43 mph, and his friend Jeremy is on the opposite railway travelling towards him at 27 mph. Assuming that Alan had a breakfast of eggs and orange juice, what is the proper roll technique he should use to avoid injury A: Alan probably could have used just about any rolling technique without injury cause alan wasn8217t jumping from a train. He8217s still on the freight train. It didn8217t say anything about Alan jumping from train. If he was a vegatarian. He might of puked from not eating flesh(eggs) for awhile and puked on jeremy at insane 70mph. Jeremy could of fell and hurt(injury) his back from the massive force of Alan8217s vomit. Then the only thing hurt(injury) is Jeremy8217s back and feelings cause he didn8217t get chill with Alan. Having jumped off a freight train I can attest that this article is pretty spot on.. The uphill part is key. My problem was the train never went under 40km hr (outback australia). Key reason for getting off my friend had just jumped. Stay or go. time to go.. yes I saw some trains jump tracks back in in late 1969 went I live there and after that I WENT TO (aoc )(EDGAR)ok there were some boys klcking to pay (phone ) it number was 705-722-9238 but now it is a store some were in barrie Ontario were at I don8217t no at this time but I will get the name of the store after that went come back here I will tell you the name of it but one of the (boys ) name ) was (mr) Dave or David) last name was (judge ) not like in count room it was the way it was put down by that name only I will give you my name you can call me at any time today at is (705)(323) (9596)MR (Mike )( Callwell) one was color and one was white as well.) this was (at)(AOC)(EDGAR)in (BARRIE ONTARIO)(L4M-4W3) OK it not open no more at all it end after the staff (put)there hands) on us noy that there was some kicking going on out there in Lynnwood only . thankyou warren facey here my phone 705 323 9596 . Write a CommentPenis size is an important matter to many men, so its natural that you may want to increase the size of your penis. But the question is how to do it and what to use If you are looking to increase the size of your penis or improve the hardness of your erections youve probably done a little research online into the methods that you could use to achieve your desired results. Usually, a search for male enhancement will suggest links for penis pills, penis pumps (vacuums) and penis stretchers, but you may not be aware that penis pills and pumps will not actually increase the size of your penis. There is a lot of evidence behind these points, but the ineffectiveness of penis pills is a topic beyond this article as there are many aspects to consider. They may result in better erections or a temporarily larger erection, but in actuality, the only way to permanently, effectively increase the size of your dick is to use a penis stretcher. Which is the best penis stretcher to use If youre set on the idea of increasing the size of your penis and you understand that using a penis stretcher is the best way to go, its time to take a look at whats on the market and decide whats best for you. However, to save you the time and trouble of reading countless descriptions and reviews on various products, why not read on to learn more about the Phallosan 2 in 1 Male Enhancement System This device is different from other penis stretchers on the market. It is specifically designed to both improve your erections and increase your penis size through stretching. But what makes it stand out amongst similar stretching devices is its unique design. But whats so unique about it The Phallosan 2 in 1 Male Enhancement system combines the technique of a traditional penis stretching device with the extra added power of a vacuum pump for optimal enhancement. Could this be a good thing or a bad thing Lets find out. As the Phallosan 2 in 1 Male Enhancement System combines two effective penis enhancement and enlargement methods, men who choose to use it are increasing their chances of getting better results and a faster rate. The vacuum suction element of the device will improve blood flow to the penis which will help to ensure bigger, better, stronger erections, whilst the actual stretching element itself will be the most effective aspect, helping to increase the penis size permanently and significantly. If youre wondering how a penis stretching device works, it will create tiny tears in the penis tissue which triggers cell division and natural penis growth as they begin to heal in their new, larger form. Dont worry the process is entirely painless When compared to other penis stretching devices you may have used in the past, the device is bigger and heavier, so the idea of wearing it under your pants is unlikely to work out. Penis stretchers need to be worn daily for at least 30 minutes, so its important you have somewhere you can commit to a stretching schedule. As it is difficult to wear the device unnoticeably, the device will need to be worn at home. If youre busy with long work hours or social commitments, this can be a significant downside. Is the Phallosan 2 in 1 Male Enhancement System right for me If youre hoping for a larger, better looking penis with stronger, harder erections leading to a better sex life, the Phallosan 2 in 1 Male Enhancement could be exactly what youre looking for. By going directly to purchase a device that you know is a cut above the rest, youll be saving yourself the trial and error of finding something that works for you. If youre at home a lot and have no issues wearing the Phallosan on a daily basis, youll be just fine. However, if youre often outside, meeting with people, walking or exercising, the Phallosan device may be too large for your lifestyle and another stretching device could be a better option. Its clear to see how the Phallosan 2 in 1 Male Enhancement system could be beneficial to any man looking to improve the size of his dick and experience better erections, but of course all benefits come at a price. If youve weighed up the pros and the cons, chances are youll have a clear idea of whether the device is for you. If so, order it today and take the first step towards better sex. Your Ultimate Guide to G-spot Stimulation One of many mens biggest concerns when it comes to getting naked in the bedroom is their penis size. Theyre always afraid it will be too small and that their woman will be disappointed or that they wont be able to please her as well as someone with a bigger penis. Thats honestly the biggest myth in the world of sexual pleasure. The truth is, many women actually dont pay much attention to the size of your penis. Nggak. They pay attention to how well you use it. Aka: if you know what youre doing, your penis size doesnt matter at all. OR, if you do belive you need a bigger dick go to biggerpenisadvice. org NOW In fact many men think that their penis is too small when its actually of average size. And anatomy proves that men dont actually have to have porn star sized dicks in order to full please their woman and hit their G-spot. Do You Really Need a Bigger Penis The honest answer is probably a no. Although you may think that youre small, youre probably average and maybe even above average. The womans G-spot is actually only 2-3 inches inside her vagina on the front wall. Thats why you only really need to slip a couple fingers into her in order to actually hit it. However, an inch or two more is usually needed when having sex in order to stimulate the G-spot. The average penis size is actually about 5-6 inches when erect. This means that the majority of men the ones who are worrying about their size actually dont need a larger penis at all. Theyre basically all the perfect size. So no, you probably dont need a bigger penis . The G-spot is like a magic button that causes a woman to orgasm if pressed over and over again. So what you need to do to stimulate it is just that G-spots can even be stimulated using only fingers. You can use that in foreplay to really get her going before beginning intercourse. G-Spot Sex Positions While you can stimulate her G-spot in really any sex position, there are a few that do so MUCH more than others and are more smaller-penis friendly. If youve got the average penis size or even an inch smaller youre probably doing just fine. But these position will certainly give you an advantage to getting your girl off. Doggy Style Doggy style is always the perfect position to stimulate the G-spot because it allows the women to have control. This means that they can actually tilt their pelvis and adjust their body so you can hit that spot just right. This is great because you men dont even have to do any work Spooning Another perfect position. This puts you right in line for her G-spot without moving around at all. As long as the two of you are front to back, your penis will go right in and run into her G-spot making it the ultimate G-spot stimulator. Missionary with a Pillow Although missionary may not be every mans favorite position, its a really great one for stimulating her G-spot. One tip that will make it much easier to reach her G-spot is to put a pillow under her butt. This lifts her torso and causes you to line up directly to where you need to be. Many men think that a large penis means youve got it made and all the ladies would LOVE to get in on some of that action. This is a false way of thinking. Although not all men with bigger penises experience these downfalls, here they are. It Doesnt Fit The truth is that a womans pleasure canal is only about 5-6 inches long when theyre aroused. This means that anybody with a longer penis doesnt exactly have it made. They cant even fit their whole penis in so its less pleasure for them. No Blow Jobs I know this will get your attention. Women are MUCH less likely to give oral sex if a man has a large penis. Its Painful If their penis is too long, it will repeatedly hit a womans cervix (the end of her vagina) which is an extremely sensitive spot. So IT HURTS. And if its too wide, it will stretch them out and thats also quite painful. Its Intimidating Its true Some women take one look at a very large penis and immediately are just scared. They can be very intimidating because women dont want to go through any pain during sex and a big penis will make them fear the pain. So do you really need a bigger penis The truth is probably not. If you want to up your G-spot stimulation game, just take a look at all of the tips above Sometimes, its normal to want to enhance your penis for better sexual health and performance, but when faced with the prospect of questionable pills or confusing devices, you may prefer to take an all-natural approach. Thats okay Read on to discover how. There are number of ways you could enhance your penis shape, size and health using natural methods without having to resort to pills, supplements or devices. Whichever method you choose to increase your sexual experience and heighten your pleasure, your goal will be the same to make your erection harder and to prolong the time spent during intercourse. Really, its as simple as that. Think of it this way: An erection is an essential part of sex you cannot do it without, and the harder the erection is, the better the pleasure will be. Which leads us on to the fact the better the pleasure, the longer and more enjoyable the sex will be, resulting in a stronger, more powerful orgasm. To put it simply, what youre in need of is better penis health The idea of a healthy penis is very simple to understand. Having great penis health means you will be able to get an erection whenever you want it, your erection is as strong as it should be to have enjoyable, successful sex, and you last as long as you want resulting in a mind-blowing orgasm for both your pleasure and your partners. Ive heard of penis pills and enlargement devices, but Id really prefer a natural approach. Is that possible Yes 8211 yes it is You may not have realised this, especially as the internet is all about promoting various products, many of which dont even work Luckily, there are things you can do at home that are both free and safe to improve the health of your penis without the need to take any pills or supplements and without the use of any equipment such as pumps or extending devices. The term jelq refers to the technique of stretching your penis with your hands. When you use your hands to massage and rub your penis, you are improving the blood flow in the process, as well improving your overall penis health. Plus, as if those benefits werent enough already, youll also be gently adding some stretching power through your hands as you force the natural growth and expansion of your penis. However, despite the positive benefits of the jelq technique, Its important to remain realistic when it comes to deciding your goals. No matter how much you massage, stretch or even pull on your penis, its not going to suddenly grow another two inches in a matter of weeks Truthfully, you probably wont see much of an increase when using this technique if any. But what you will see is a better, stronger, harder and possibly larger erection that will lead to greater sexual satisfaction and a better time for you and your partner in the bedroom. Start Stop Masturbation Start stop masturbation involves building up the stamina you have during intercourse, learning to control your ejaculation and achieving stronger orgasms as a result. This method of masturbation is the only way that you can teach your body to know how to move and control your pleasure the way you want it to, as well as leaving it up to YOU to decide when you ejaculate. By doing so, youll get to enjoy the sensual pleasure of sexual intercourse for as long as you want and come when you please, meaning you wont disappoint your partner by ejaculating too soon. While it may seem a little risky, some men have even managed to control their ejaculation so well that they can have safe sex without having to use a condom helping to improve their sexual experience through increased sensitivity and the touch of your partner. Whichever of these methods you decide to try out, you can rest easy in the knowledge they are both free and safe for you to test out as much as you want. Surely that makes them worth a try before you shell out a lot of cash on various pills or stretching devices. Give these exercises a go and youll soon be experiencing life with a healthier, stronger penis. There are more than 100 penis extender brands available in the market and choosing the best one could be a tedious and very long process. Browsing and comparing each one can take up many hours of time. Not to mention the advertising and extra marketing material found everywhere you research, finding a legitimate and honest feedback is nearly impossible. Its not easy to differentiate between various penis extenders to discover the one which is actually the best. By performing a careful search on the market, you may find these brand names: SizeGenetics, Vimax Extender, X4Labs, Proextender, Euroextender, Ultimate Stretcher, Jes Extender, Maleedge, etc. Following are some things you should consider before buying a penis extender: The first thing you should consider is the ease of use. A penis extender must have a comfort mechanism which should allow you to wear it with comfort and ease all day. Ease of use is very important because for better results the extender should be worn for as long as possible. Thats why, it is critical that it does not cause any issues that could interfere with your lifestyle and daily routine. In this modern era, you should consider pure facts, evidence, and real testimonials before buying a product, not claims. Therefore, go for a penis extender which is clinically supported by research, number of trials, and has been recommended by doctors and other health experts. It should be clinically proven to enlarge your penis as well as improve overall sexual pleasure and performance. A best way to verify credibility is to look at penisextendershq and check whether the product has been certified by health care providers and recommended by trustworthy medical practitioners. Keep in mind that an extender that works naturally should be your preference. A natural penis extender should have two features. First, it should have a powerful traction to stretch the tissues of penis in a natural way and induce 8220division and cell manipulation8221 resulting in a natural growth of the penile. Secondly, it should maintain the erection of penis for a long time by drawing blood to the tissues of penis. In simple words, if above mentioned features are available in the extender, then thats the mode of working you should be looking for. A penis extender must be tested for potential hazards and potency and should be backed up with the latest science and research available. Additionally, a good production source or facility is a major factor in guaranteeing the best quality . Therefore, always look for trustworthy brands that have been around in that business for some time to make sure what is labeled on the product is not only safe but also exactly what is featured in the product. There are various brands rated by PenisExtendersHQ that are reliable and have presented significant results of penis enlargement. Thats why, you should never compromise for less quality. Just because a manufacturer says a product is natural doesnt mean it is safe. Thats why, you should do your research before buying a natural penis extender. Carefully read the authentic testimonials and check whether the product has been certified by a global and reliable authority on health. It should have a high safety profile. Ideally, it should not cause any discomfort or skin marks after a long term use. Additionally, user tolerance and compliance is a major problem you should consider while buying the best penis extender. Generally, all penis extender brands claim to have no side effects. It is true if you are talking about the top brands because they actually dont have any side effects and are safe to use. Careful use of the product is another factor as you should take caution when using it. Most extenders are only required to be used on the penis for maximum of five hours per day. If the required time to use is labeled on the product, then you should not use any longer than that. There are many high quality penis extender brands available in the market (mentioned above). But personal research and careful inspection is necessary to get the most out of them as well as avoid any issues. All things considered, buy the one which is not only free from side effects but also viable. A 100 effective penis extender should help you achieve a thicker and larger penis as well as should produce longer and stronger erections. When you look at the number of stores and websites selling sex toys, not to mention the size of most dildos on the market, it can be a little unnerving. Men may begin to feel as if their penis simply cannot compare to the size of the dildos their girlfriends or wives may use on a regular basis. If youre afraid that you could be replaced by a sex toy, its time to take a look at which really works the best for sexual satisfaction: a small dick or a big dildo Women often say that the size of your dick is irrelevant and that may be true to an extent, but at the same time, she will of course value her sexual pleasure too. Theres a reason most dildos on the market are on the larger side, and thats due to demand. The manufacturers would have no need to make those products if they werent likely to sell, so obviously women are buying them when they visit sex stores or websites. Dildos on average range from around 6 7 inches long to 15 and beyond, and are usually very girthy. In comparison, your dick may look a little on the smaller side It can often leave you wondering whether longer and thicker are really the key aspects that women want to see in their partners penis. In the USA alone, over 50 of women admit to owning and regularly using a vibrator or dildo. Women who enjoy such toys may become used to them as time goes on, only to be left disappointed when faced with a realistic penis. Women also enjoy the fact that a dildo will never come first the fun doesnt stop until shes ready. The short answer is YES Whether your dick is large, average or even on the small side, you can ensure it can compare to a dildo even of the larger variety. First, youll need to work out exactly what you currently dislike about your dick. Is it too short Too thin Do you ejaculate too soon Are your erections weaker than youd like No matter what the problem is, there is a way to resolve it. So which really does work the best Honestly, while women may love the feel of using a large dildo or other sex toys, they are likely to choose a real man over plastic any day, as long as they are attracted to men sexually. If they dont like real dicks of any kind, you dont stand a chance, so you should probably look elsewhere. If your partner loves you andor finds you sexually attractive, she will feel pleasure from your dick and enjoy having sex with you instead of a toy especially if youve taken the steps to boost your penis size and sexual experience. There are a number of ways you can ensure your penis is worthy of comparison to your partners dildo. Why not try a few out and see which works the best for you Penis Pills . The term penis pills refers to male enhancement products that aim to improve your erections and create a positive, satisfying sexual experience. They are also known for boosting your libido. However, although marketing alongside products that may enlarge your penis, penis pills will not have that effect. Herbal Supplements . If your problem is that you come too soon during sex, there are certain herbal supplements that may be able to help. Take a look around your sexual supplier of choice and ask for their help if necessary. Penis Pumps . A penis pump, also known as an erectile dysfunction pump is a device that will help you achieve harder, healthier erections and last longer in bed. While your dick may appear bigger during use, these effects are not permanent. Penis Extenders . A penis extender, also referred to as a penis stretcher or stretching device is the only way that you can effectively and permanently increase the length, girth and overall size of your dick. These devices gently pull on the penis using traction therapy to stretch it to the desired size. Whichever method you choose to improve the size and shape of your dick, your partner will certainly appreciate it and youll find yourself proving to be better than the dildo every time. Most people believe sex is overrated in a relationship, while others believe there are several reasons why sex is important with your partner. When you love someone, it can connect you and your partner in way unlike any other. Apart from the connecting part to spend the time with your other half, there are many other benefits too. Following are some reasons that explain why good sex is important for a better relationship: It is one of the best reasons why good sex is important in a relationship. Obviously getting physically involved with each other is going to bring the two of you closer. Sometimes being in love and being attracted to each other does not mean that sexual chemistry is there. But that chemistry does come together once you find you and your partner in the bedroom. The best relationship you can have is with somebody who is your best friend as well as your lover. If you are in a relationship without sex, you might as well be dating just a best friend. Its simple as that. Passion is necessary for a relationship. Relationships need sexiness and excitement. Sex with your partner is the only factor that keeps the passion alive. It makes the relationship stimulating, desirable, and fun. When you are in a relationship, you want your partner to know you completely from inside and out. The more sex you have with your partner, the better she will get at making you happy. Thats why you should have sex whenever you can. When you have sex with somebody, they8217re allowing you to see a side of them that only a few people may have seen. It makes you special. By having sex with your partner, you will learn what makes her happy and you will know her better than anyone else. Sex promotes reassurance, intimacy, and shows you and your partner that you are needed and wanted. Sex is a great way to make you both happy. It lets your partner know that you can still make time for one another. Sex a great way of communication. It assures your other half that all is well and the love is still there. It not only begins with romance but also ends with romance, because both sexes feel the need to cuddle after sex. Besides, good sex life provides a confidence boost for both genders and it shows that both partners are still interested in every aspect of their relationship. It is natural that the couples who have sex more often, express more feelings. They feel the need to hug, touch, and kiss more often and have no problems with showing this romantic behavior in public. This is because the sex causes the body to produce more oxytocin, which triggers the need to love someone. You feel great about yourself if you make love with your partner more often. And if you are not, you wonder where else she is getting it. Having a good intimate time with your partner shows her that you are committed and you are in love with her. Sex is a great way to break up your routine and recharge at the end of the day. If you do the usual routine on a daily basis, try to have sex at random times. It will keep your relationship with your partner spontaneous and hot. Sex makes women feel needed and wanted. Simply put, having sex makes your girlfriend feel great about herself. If you8217re in a relationship but have no sex with your partner, shes is not fully satisfied. It8217s a simple deduction that if your girlfriend is not satisfied with your sex life, shes going to start looking for sex from somebody else. The purpose of being in a relationship is to make yourself and your partner happy. Sex is fun, so why not relax yourself and enjoy it You dont need an excuse to have sex. If sex makes you happy then its the only reason you need. Sex is like a glue that is needed in a relationship to make it strong. It puts you in tune with your partner and reconnects you. Sex keeps your relationship alive. Whether youre suffering from erectile dysfunction or simply wish to make your dick look bigger and harder during sex, you may have considered buying a penis pump to help you have a more satisfying sex life and give your confidence a boost. Penis pumps are readily available and can easily be bought online. Once you give them a try, the manufacturers promise the pump will fix your sexual problems and give you larger, harder erections. But is that true A penis pump is a device that is designed to help you enjoy bigger, harder erections and last longer in bed. They are often marketed to help combat erectile dysfunction, although they cannot cure the symptoms directly. A penis pump uses an air vacuum which will help to draw blood to the penis. As a result, it can give your sex life a significant improvement by helping you achieve and maintain better erections. There are many different types of penis pump on the market today, which can make shopping for one a little complicated. Its important to work out what exactly you hope to get out of using a penis pump in order to determine which kind is right for you. There are two kinds of penis pump to choose from, both of which are available on the market today from most suppliers of sexual products both online and offline. The first type is the air assisted penis pump. These are very affordable to purchase and can be bought virtually anywhere that sells sex items. That said, they tend to be cheap for a reason. Air assisted penis pumps are lower in quality and may not provide the significant results you are looking for. The second, and better kind of penis pump is a water assisted pump, which is not only more likely to give you results, its also safer. Water assisted penis pumps are often recommended by sexual health professionals as a remedy for men who have trouble maintaining their erections. They are also the pump of choice for thousands of industry professionals, so its clear to see how theyre the more reliable option. Even better water assisted penis pumps can double up and be used as air pumps if thats what youre looking for, however regular air pumps cannot be used with water. Essentially, when you buy a water assisted penis pump, youre effectively buying both kinds in one, saving you money and allowing you to try out different techniques. This way, youll be able to discover precisely what works for you. Finally, all water assisted pumps on the market today will have been fully tested for safety, reliability and effectiveness during the design and manufacturing process, so you wont have to worry about safety or success as you use it. Once youve got your hands on your brand new penis pump, youll no doubt be excited to start using it and seeing the results But before doing so, its important to familiarise yourself with the product and make sure you understand the best ways to use it to achieve your goals. What is it you want out of a penis pump If youre looking to cure erectile dysfunction completely, thats not going to happen with a penis pump. Namun demikian. penis pumps can be of great help to those suffering with the condition. While they cant help you get an erection to begin with, using a pump will increase blood flow to the penis and help you maintain your erection for much longer once you have it, helping you to stay hard until you and your partner are ready to stop. If youre simply looking to make your dick appear bigger and harder, youll be guaranteed success with a good quality penis pump You should aim to use your penis pump for around 10 minutes every day, even on days you do not plan on having sex. You should also use it shortly before having sex to ensure your erection is at its best before getting started. After learning more about penis pumps and the way they could improve your sex life, why not try them out for yourself Youll experience better erections, higher self-esteem and improved sexual experiences. Without having to worry about maintaining an erection, youll be able to take it easy and enjoy the moment without worrying about your dick. Every day, hundreds, even thousands, of men search online for ways to increase the size of their penis. One of the first things that come up in these searches is usually penis stretching. There are a number of ways that penis stretching can be done, and each site you visit will likely tout a different method or product and it8217s effectiveness. Unfortunately, these sites are often more full of myths than they are facts. Hand Stretching Facts and Fiction There are a number of penis stretching exercises that are supposed to be a quick and easy way to help you achieve a harder, longer-lasting erection, or a bigger penis. Unfortunately, this method is simply completely ineffective. When you think about it, this really isn8217t surprising if having a bigger penis was that easy, men all over the world would simply stay at home masturbating and pulling on their penis. Not only is this method of penis stretching completely ineffective, it can actually cause you to eventually completely lose your interest in having actual sex. A penis pump is a device that usually consists of a tube that is fitted over the penis and connected to a vacuum pump type of device, either a hand pump, plunger, or electric pump. The air pumping in and out of the tube supposedly increases blood flow to the penis, quickly providing you with longer, stronger erection. Not only is this not truly possible it can actually be dangerous. Over-pumping is a very common occurrence with penis pumps, and one of the leading causes of penis injury. If you overpump, you can cause the penis to fill with too much blood, bursting blood vessels and casing pain and injury. You8217re not likely to want sex at all for quite some time after that, completely defeating the purpose of using the pump to begin with. At best, you may end up with a quite massive erection that is not only painful, but very likely to subside as soon as you remove the pump. This is one device that may actually work to improve the quality of your erection and lengthen your penis but that doesn8217t mean that you shouldn8217t proceed with caution. Many extenders are very poor quality, producing no results at all. With the ones that do work and can prove that they are high-quality and medically approved, you still need to be very careful. Overextension of the penis can be extremely painful, putting you completely off sex for quite some time. If you do choose to use a penis extender, you can expect the process to take anywhere from six months to a full year before you achieve noticeable results. On the surface, penis stretching seems like a quick and easy way to improve the quality of your erection and lengthen the penis. Chances are, you8217ve probably read dozens of articles that make it sound as if penis stretching is an excellent, well-proven, painless and safe way to not only add inches, but achieve stronger, longer-lasting erections. When you truly consider the pros and cons however, you will quickly realize that it8217s important to research carefully to ensure that you choose a method that will not only truly produce results but keep you from being injured as well. According to the British actress Maureen Lipman, the worst part of oral sex is the view. It is one of the many reasons why a lot of women dont want to perform oral sex with their lover. The view only does not turn them on. But most of the guys do want to have oral sex with their partners. If your girl always makes excuses or hesitates to perform oral sex and avoid giving you head, it might be due to many reasons. So it is recommended to first know what those reasons are. Following are some reasons why your girlfriend is not giving you oral sex: She thinks that oral sex is mostly done by prostitutes and its disgusting and degrading. She doesnt want to give you oral sex because she might be thinking Whats the point of putting in an effort in a thing which is not worth it. She has no experience of it and did not gave anyone the oral sex before, and shes scared of embarrassing herself and making an oral sex failure out of herself. She is too doubtful, maybe she has no self-confidence so she feels disappointing, maybe shes overweight or thinks that she will look stupid or silly when giving you oral sex. She is bad at giving you the oral sex, many people just dont like doing something they are bad at Your penis is either too smelly or too hairy, and you she doesnt find you attractive at all because you dont take care of yourself and other girls also find you unattractive Giving you oral sex does not turn her on because beg for it, ask her to do it, and put yourself in a lower position in your relationship. Cheap persuasion strategies and bribes rarely work (if they ever do). Usually those tactics result in even less oral sex. She has no clue how important giving oral sex for you is and she has no idea how a good oral sex can result in a better relationship with you. And you dont know how to persuade her to give you oral sex by rewarding her whenever she does what you want (gives you a good oral sex) Most of these reasons can be easily tackled by following the steps mentioned below: Its easy to solve the first thing (her considering oral sex disgusting and only reserved for prostitutes) by being as open-minded as possible. If she feels that you will see her as less valuable if she talks dirty and simply goes and sexually enjoys herself, then she won8217t do it. There is only one way to motivate her to let go and enjoy the sex instead of feeling pressured during it is by being completely confident and relaxed. Love her entire body and kiss her everywhere. She should feel that you accept every part of her. Shower, shave and groom. Your penis has to be welcoming as well as spotless. Next, you have to become more attractive to the society. Hit the gym, get a higher status, get a better job, get more social power and friends, make more money, and make a hobby of traveling to exotic places. All this contributes to you being more valuable and interesting. Quit sitting in front of the TV all day and do something interesting with your life. Build up your confidence and try to perform better in bed. All this will make oral sex more interesting to your girl. Something else you have to do is be as non-judgmental as you can. She needs to know that you will not in any way think less about her if she gives you bad oral sex. And you wont break up or dump her. Tell her that she can practice as much as she wants on you and try to make oral sex more fun to her instead of making it a chore or job. Dont try to avoid the issue. Simply tell her you want her to give you oral sex. Gently tell her if she gives you the oral sex, you will really appreciate. Remember not to force it. Let her take control of the situation by starting slowly. If she does give you oral sex, then its important that you keep the communication alive during oral sex. Send feedbacks through body language verbal communication.

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